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Big Heart

Friday 9 December 2011 | 05:35 | 0 Shin Chan
lip lap lip lap ><
hye2,lme xupdate blog nie.. da berhabuk2 da ha.. haha.. btw nmpk gmbe tuh..
that F to the Y to the N to the A to the Z to the S equal FYNAZS.. honestly i miss them :(.. dorng la peracun n penawar..
gmbe nie snap time jamuan.. memey menggile time tuh.. maen coklat bgai.. haha..

saket mata right tengok gmbe belah kanan nie.. hahaha,yeahh we get present from 2GIGIH.. ilapyou :* memey ber seri2 satu kelas time jamuan ari tuh..
exactly present tuh kteorg yg beli,haha.. penat cari tau x! -.- first fker na bgy cup or frame tpy cm bosan je dgr.. so kteorg beli laen dri yg laen.. bangge ar cuz semua puas aty..
then dapt angry bird,abes semua brtuka jdy angry student... haha.. sebenrnyerr rmai ckgu ANTI kels 2gigih but who care? i proud dapt jdy student 2gigih.. i love u fuckin damn so muchh guyss.. muahh muahh.. :D
result aq trsngt la bgos =.= ! PMR taon depan,memey trbaek ar..
sebnrnyerr sedih ar time amek result tuh.. result aq n fifi jauh beza.. fifi ade A aku ampeh ! -.- sygg doa la kite mse kels taon depn.. aminnnnn ;)))

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